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- FAEA Staff & Partners | FAEA
FAEA Staff Gina Tumbarello FAEA Executive Director Rosida Nababan FAEA Program Coordinator Mallory Gaines Director of Codex and Global Affairs Who We Are Leadership Trade Data Contact Us U.S. Grains Council Liaisons Kurt Shultz Senior Director of Global Strategies -USGC Sam Clemence Global Strategies Coordinator - USGC International Partners Kenya Rootooba Limited (M s. Charity Mutegi) Rootoba Limited, located in Nairobi, Kenya, is contracted with FAEA to coordinate and provide guidance and assistance to the Government of Kenya officials who are preparing legislation for the passage and implementation of a science-based and transparent Food Safety Law. Ms. Mutegi is representing FAEA in recommending, planning, and implementing FAEA sponsored technical assistance and education activities, workshops, conferences, and seminars that facilitate the drafting and completion of the legislation and subsequent implementing regulations. Ms. Mutegi has worked on food safety matters in Kenya and in the East Africa region, focusing on policy, technological solutions, and information dissemination. She has also contributed to drafting technical papers for the development of policy briefs for the East Africa Community and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Nigeria The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) The NESG is a think-tank organization that promotes sustainable growth and development in the Nigerian economy using research-based advocacy methods. The NESG was incorporated as a not-for-profit/non-partisan organization with a mandate to promote and champion the reform of the Nigerian economy into an open, private sector-led economy that is globally competitive on a sustainable basis. The NESG currently serves as the host of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) National Secretariat and UNGC Corporate Sustainability Champion (saddled with the leadership of advancing sustainability practices in corporate governance in Nigeria), a member of the Steering Committee for the Presidential Committee for the Preparation of the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) 2021-2025 and Nigeria Agenda 2050, the Private Sector Co-chair of the ECOWAS-World Bank-EU National Investment Scorecard Implementation Committee, the secretariat for the National Assembly Business Environment Roundtable (a collaboration between the NESG, the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law, and the Nigerian National Assembly) sponsored by the UKAID and ACA Foundation, the secretariat for the Nigerian Renewable Energy Roundtable sponsored by the Heinrich Boel Stiftung Foundation, etc. The NESG also served as a member of the Transitional Technical Task Team and provided technical support to the Presidential Transition Council. U.S. Government Regulatory Agencies Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is a multi-faceted Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, with a broad mission area that includes protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, regulating genetically engineered organisms, administering the Animal Welfare Act and carrying out wildlife damage management activities. These efforts support the overall mission of USDA, which is to protect and promote food, agriculture, natural resources and related issues. Environmental Protection Agency The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent agency, specifically an independent executive agency, of the United States federal government for environmental protection. The EPA is responsible for preventing and detecting environmental crimes, informing the public of environmental enforcement, and setting and monitoring standards of air pollution, water pollution, hazardous wastes and chemicals. Food and Drug Administration The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics, animal foods & feed[4] and veterinary products. Food Safety and Inspection Service The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is the public health regulatory agency responsible for ensuring that the United States' commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged. U.S. Government Trade Agencies Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is a key agency within the Executive Office of the President, responsible for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade policy. USTR negotiates trade agreements, enforces U.S. trade laws, and works to ensure that U.S. trade policy promotes strong economic growth, job creation, and a level playing field for American businesses, workers, and farmers. With a focus on sound science and risk-based systems, USTR plays a critical role in protecting U.S. interests in global trade while fostering an open and fair trading environment. Foreign Agricultural Service - Washington (FAS/W) Bangladesh: FAS/OAA Dhaka Office Cambodia and Vietnam: FAS/OAA Hanoi Office China: FAS/OAA Beijing Office Ghana: FAS/OAA Accra Office Kenya: FAS/OAA Nairobi Office Nigeria: FAS/OAA Lagos Office Pakistan: FAS/OAA Islamabad Office Trade and Regulatory Capacity Building Division (TRCBD) The Trade and Regulatory Capacity Building Division (TRCBD, formerly the Trade and Scientific Capacity Building Division) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service’s (FAS’) Office of Global Programs provides trade capacity building to current and emerging trading partners to promote international trade and open markets for U.S. agricultural exports – creating predictable and transparent trade environments favorable to U.S. agricultural commodities such as soy, cotton, specialty crops, beef, and poultry. U.S. Codex Office The U.S. Codex Office (USCO), housed in USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, acts as the national focal point for the U.S. Codex Program. Its mission is to engage stakeholders in the development and advancement of science-based food standards for the benefit of the United States and the worldwide community. USCO manages the planning, policy development, support, and coordination for U.S. involvement in Codex, and develops strategies to accomplish U.S. objectives. International Standard Setting Bodies Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) CAC is commonly referred to as Commission, the body established by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in 1963 to develop food standards under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The Codex Alimentarius Commission is based in FAO in Rome. It coordinates input from 187 Member Countries and one Member Organization to develop and endorse the international food standards that comprise the Codex Alimentarius. More information on Codex Committees can be found here . More information about current and upcoming meetings, agenda, and reports can be found in this link .
- Nigeria- 2023 Wkshp | FAEA
Advancing Food and Feed Safety Modernization in Nigeria: A Journey of Collaboration and Innovation In November 2023, participants from government agencies, industry, and civil society gathered to tackle a crucial challenge: ensuring the safety of food and animal feed in Nigeria. FAEA, in collaboration with its partners, the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (FMHSW), the Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the University of Missouri’s Africa Food Safety Initiative (AFSI), hosted a three-day workshop on Food and Feed Safety Expertise Coordination. This video has been deleted. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied The workshop was attended by over 80 representatives from various Ministries, Department, and Agencies (MDAs), as well as the organized private sector and civil society partners. The event provided a platform for stakeholders to exchange insights and develop a multi-year roadmap for regulatory reform and implementation in the food and feed safety subsector. Throughout the three-day event, participants engaged in expert panel discussions, presentations, break-out sessions, and plenary meetings. Several key decisions were reached: 01 Commitment to Long-term Investment: The workshop underscored a long-term commitment by both public and private sectors to build capacity for food and feed safety in Nigeria. 02 Collaboration as a Key: Stakeholders recognized that collaboration is crucial to ensuring food and feed safety. 03 Implementation of Policies: The reviewed National Policy on Food Safety & Quality and its implementation plan, along with the passage of the National Food Safety and Quality Bill, will modernize the regulatory framework, enhancing public health protection and trade. 04 Formation of Technical Working Groups (TWGs): Four TWGs were recommended for inauguration Risk-based regulations and risk analysis in food and feed safety. Food and SPS (Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary) inspection. Education for all stakeholders and research. Traceability and supporting technologies. 05 Expert Nominations: Nominations for TWG experts will be at the discretion of MDAs, NGOs and the organized private sector, based on established technical profiles. 06 Inauguration of TWGs: Following the approval of the Honorable Minister, the TWGs will be inaugurated to advance their work. 07 Adoption of Submissions: The submissions on priority areas and identified capacity-building needs will guide the work of the TWGs. The workshop concluded with a sense of accomplishment and determination to modernize Nigeria's food and feed safety systems. With the commitment of all stakeholders and the formation of TWGs, Nigeria is well on its way to achieving international standards in food safety, ultimately ensuring the health and well-being of its citizens and enhancing its position in global trade.
- Submit Company Contacts to FAEA | FAEA
Company name First name Last name Position Email Phone FAEA can contact for... Board communication/meetings Newsletter Bangladesh Cambodia Kenya Nigeria Codex Dues/Invoicing Submit
- FAEA Food Agriculture Export Alliance | FAEA Alliance | USA
203A5165 203A5176 203A5165 1/30 Who We Are The Food and Agriculture Export Alliance (FAEA) is a coalition formed in May 2004, bringing together key stakeholders from the agriculture industry dedicated to advancing global food and feed safety through science-based regulations. Our organization is committed to fostering international collaboration and aligning food and feed safety standards with global best practices. With a focus on countries in Asia and Africa, FAEA plays a critical role in shaping regulatory environments that support safer, higher-quality agricultural products worldwide. What we do FAEA works to improve food and feed safety laws and regulations internationally, ensuring they align with science-based standards. By leveraging funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and FAEA member organizations, we help address non-tariff barriers that hinder global trade. Our initiatives include collaborating with governments, industry experts, and local stakeholders to build regulatory frameworks that not only protect public health but also enhance market access and economic opportunities. Through our programs and expertise, FAEA helps create a safer, more transparent regulatory landscape for agricultural products across our target markets in Asia and Africa.
PROGRAM COORDINATOR'S REPORTS Back to "Members Only" 2020 August 2020 July 2020
ACTIVITY REPORTS Back to "Members Only" Executive Director Trip Report and Workshop in Nigeria, Nov 2023 Executive Director Trip Report Cambodian Food and Feed Safety Delegation to Washington, DC, Dec 2023 Executive Director Trip Report to Kenya, Nov 2023 FAEA staff trip report to Washington, DC, July 2023 FAEA Strategic Planning Report - Final, July 2023 Executive Director Trip Report to Cambodia, Feb 2023 FAEA staff trip report to Washington, DC, July 2022 Executive Director Bangladesh Trip Report, May 2022 Executive Director Kenya Trip Report, December 2021 Meeting Report on the County consultations on Kenya’s Draft Food Safety Policy and Bill, September, 2021. Meeting Report on the Third FAEA-supported Government of Kenya task force meeting on the food safety policy review and legislation drafting, Sep/Oct, 2021. Meeting Report for the Kenya Ministerial Task force Retreat to incorporate comments by the health team into the draft Food Safety Bill, July, 2021. Training Report on Good Hygienic Practices and Food Safety in Hotels and Restaurants in Dhaka, Bangladesh, April, 2021. Meeting Report on the Second FAEA-supported Government of Kenya task force meeting on the food safety policy review and legislation drafting, March, 2021. Meeting Report on the exercise of improving the Kenya Food Safety Policy and Legislation Draft, as a preparation for the Second meeting, February, 2021. Meeting Report on the First FAEA-supported Government of Kenya Task Force Meeting on the Food Safety Policy and Legislation, December, 2020. Myanmar Ministry of Ag Acceptance of FAEA Offer of Assistance, October 2020 FAEA Offer of Assistance to Myanmar Min of Ag, September, 2020. Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture Request for FAEA Assistance - August, 2020. Kenya Ministry of Agriculture Response to FAEA Letter - July, 2020. FAEA Letter to Kenya Ministry of Agriculture - May, 2020. Trip Report Bangladesh - Jan/Feb, 2020. FAS Meeting - Jan, 2020. Trip Report Kenya - Nov, 2019.
MONTHLY COUNTRY REPORTS (Members Only Version) Back to "Members Only" Kenya July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 December 2020 / January 2021 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 Bangladesh December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 May 2020
CODEX Codex Meetings Calendar Codex Worldwide, not all countries adopt or abide by Codex, World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) standards. In some cases, the standards are set without full knowledge and understanding of the science that supports or does not support them. In other cases, a country may adopt strict standards in order to protect domestic producers from competition with imported products. In both cases, the consequences can negatively impact trade (imports) and limit or negate access to those markets for U.S. food and agricultural products, including meat, poultry, soybeans, feed, feed grains and dairy products. Of course, this also can impact the use of inputs (e.g., vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides, feed additives, etc.) commonly recognized as safe for use in the production of animals and plants in the U.S. In those cases where a country establishes and enforces standards that are not science-based and/or trade-restrictive, FAEA works to educate the relevant authorities to influence changes through participation in committee meetings, workshops, seminars, and other venues so that they comply with internationally recognized standards and standards-setting bodies. FAEA gathers intelligence and reports on Codex issues of interest to FAEA members through its network of contacts in the U.S. and internationally. We use this information to intervene with education and other activities.
- Program Updates | FAEA
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- Nigeria | FAEA
Nigeria FAEA is committed to supporting Nigeria's efforts to enhance food safety standards and expand its agricultural sector's economic potential. Our strategy focuses on building technical capacities, engaging with stakeholders and advocating for effective regulatory frameworks that align with international standards. KEY INITIATIVES: Nigeria World Food Safety Day 2024 Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Regulatory Support: We provide expertise and input to the Nigerian government in implementing the pending Food Safety and Quality Law to ensure compliance with global standards. Capacity Building: Through training programs and technical support, we enhance the skills of Nigerian Food Business Operators (FBOs) to meet new food safety regulations. Stakeholder Engagement: We foster collaborations between government bodies, educational institutions and industry groups to create a unified approach to food safety and quality. Policy Advocacy: We support the establishment of clear and consistent regulations that support Nigeria’s public health and trade objectives. By focusing on these strategic areas, FAEA aims to contribute to the advancement of food safety and economic development in Nigeria. PROGRAM UPDATES
- Workshop for the Development of a Roadmap for Industry Capacity Building in Food Safety in Kenya | FAEA
< Back Workshop for the Development of a Roadmap for Industry Capacity Building in Food Safety in Kenya August 2024 Previous Next
- 24-Mar ED | FAEA
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